
Living Your Best Quality of Life, Because You're Worth It!

Although you or your loved one will want to age in place for as long as possible, there are times, when living at home is no longer an option. Sometimes safety concerns, the support network, or the level of care required is greater than what can be delivered in the home setting. This is when the Assisted Living and/or Skilled Nursing Facilities are available to provide that next level of care. Making this difficult decision to transition can cause much angst, fear, and guilt. There are many options to consider and we can provide resources for you when it is time to make that move.

When it comes to Senior Care and Senior Living there are many different considerations to think about, including the level of care needed and the type of specialty services provided at each type of facility. Knowing these differences are important and will help to guide you in making the best choice when looking for the type of care and setting that you need.

It is important to choose the proper facility the first time around. When a healthy person transitions into a new environment or into a new place of residence, the adjustment period can cause a great deal of stress upon the body and affect their physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being. As people age, develop dementia, or become ill, these stressors can have an even greater impact and can result in negative effects and outcomes for the Senior. The goal is to find the proper amount of supportive care in the appropriate type of setting while minimizing the number of times that a Senior must be moved or introduced into a new environment.

Correctly identifying the proper place of residence can be a challenging experience as there are many areas to consider. Important things to look for are the location of the facility, their star ratings, what specialty programs are offered, the smell and cleanliness of the building, your comfort level with the staff members during your tour and phone calls, and also the vibe that you feel from the other residents within the facility. Take note of how the current residents appear, if they look well-kept, clean, and happy. You can also request to speak to a current resident and ask them how they like living there, as they are usually brutally honest and happy to talk with new visitors!

Factors that determine if someone needs to transition to the next level of care:

  • the amount of medical care required
  • the functional level of care of the client
  • level of cognitive and safety skills
  • amount of finances available
  • social support and network
  • living options