Once you receive the LTCC Florida Medicaid eligibility, then you must choose a LTCMC Medicaid plan, or the state will choose one for you. Go to the Florida Medicaid Member’s Portal website at https://members.flmedicaidmanagedcare.com/ and create an online account. You will need your Medicaid number to be able to enroll into the dedicated portal for FL Medicaid. This portal allows you to manage and choose your plan.
Florida transitioned the long-term Medicaid recipients into a Statewide Medicaid Managed Care (SMMC) system in order to control costs. There are three different programs that makeup Statewide Medicaid Managed Care:
* (MMA) – Managed Medical Assistance Program
* (LTCC) – Long-Term Community Care Program
* Dental Program
These programs consist of eleven regions throughout Florida and have various Long-Term Care Managed Care (LTCMC) Medicaid plans to serve them. The plans are operated by private companies, mostly Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO’s).
All the LTCMC plans must cover certain core services including: adult day care, assisted living facilities, nursing facility care, caregiver training, case management, home accessibility adaptation, home-delivered meals, homemaker/chore services, hospice, nursing care, medical equipment and supplies, medication administration and management, personal care, personal emergency response systems, respite care, transportation, and occupational, physical, speech, and respiratory therapy services.
You can compare and choose Florida LTCMC plans at The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration Site. You can also receive help from Choice Counselors at 1-877-711-3662 to answer questions and help you make a decision about the Managed Care Medicaid Programs from M-TH 8am-8pm, and F 8am-7pm.